Wouldn't it be great if you could extend WhatsApp conversations beyond that 24-hour window? Or have a system that manages customer inquiries even when you're not available?
Good news! We're thrilled to unveil our latest upgrades to ZEPIC's Team Inbox—designed specifically to make your WhatsApp marketing and support life a whole lot easier while turning more conversations into conversions and fandom.
We know that you can't always be available 24/7, but your customers kind of expect you to be (no pressure, right?). We've introduced a brand new "Auto-replies" tile under the Inbox category in Admin Settings that works even when you're catching those well-deserved 😴😴
Remember all the customer data you’ve worked hard to acquire? They’re all there for you now to personalize here! We've plugged in four different types of auto-replies that feel like they're coming from your team being there on the front-line 24/7:
Away Messages: If a customer messages you outside business hours, they'll automatically get a friendly reply letting them know you're away and will get back to them soon!
Welcome Messages: Make your brand’s first impressions count! When a new contact reaches out to you or a contact's status changes, they'll receive a warm welcome that sets the tone for your relationship.
Response Delay Updates: We've all been there—waiting for a reply that never seems to come. Now, you can set response delay updates (starting from just 5 minutes) to let customers know you haven't forgotten about them. "Our team is working on your question and will be with you shortly!" Sounds a lot better than silence, doesn't it?
Conversation Reminder Messages: That awkward moment when you think an issue is resolved, but you're not quite sure? These reminders (configurable between 10 minutes and 23 hours) gently nudge customers for confirmation before you close their conversation. "Just checking if there's anything else we can help with?"—simple but incredibly effective.
We know you don't work around the clock (and if you do, please grab a cup of coffee on us). This is exactly why we've added Business Hours configuration where you can specify your availability by day, time, and time zone. This powers your Away and Welcome messages, ensuring customers always know when to expect a response. Please note that Response Delay and Conversation Reminder features work regardless of your business hours settings.
Our powerful rich content editor lets you craft auto-replies with bold, italic, and strikethrough formatting to make your messages stand out. Plus, you can use placeholder values that automatically fill in customer data from your system—because a personalized "Hi, Sarah!" always beats a generic "Hello, valued customer."
And here's the best part— select your text and click on the Zenie icon to let our AI assistant help optimize your messages. Need to make that response shorter? More professional? More casual? Zenie's got you covered. The editor even supports multiple languages as permitted by Meta, so you can say "Hello," "Hola," or "こんにちは" with ease.
Running an eCommerce business pulls you in a million directions. Sometimes WhatsApp conversations slip past that 24-hour window before you can close the deal or resolve your customer’s issue. That's why we've added Template Messages functionality right in the conversation panel. When a conversation expires, agents can select from pre-approved templates, personalize them, and send them as transactional messages. When the customer responds, boom—the conversation reopens with a refreshed 24-hour window! Your shortcut to reviving high-potential customer conversations and reclaiming lost revenue opportunities, without the extra cost of a WhatsApp conversation.
We've implemented a powerful global search function that finds conversations regardless of state or active filters. The search automatically prioritizes the most recent conversations and includes comprehensive filtering options:
We've added clear icons that instantly distinguish between flow messages, agent messages, and the four different types of conversational/ auto-reply messages. This will improve conversation clarity and help agents better understand the context of the interaction at a glance.
For D2C brands, every conversation is an opportunity to build loyalty or make a sale. When a customer asks about your product at 11PM, your auto-reply doesn't just acknowledge them—it keeps them engaged until your team can respond in the morning.
For example—A customer responds to your promotional campaign for your new skincare line at 9 PM. Your Away Message kicks in, keeping them engaged. The following day, your agent jumps in with complete context, addresses their specific questions about ingredients, and nudges them to make a purchase that might have otherwise slipped away.
Similarly, consider another scenario where a customer inquires about size availability for your bestselling jeans. Despite your agent's thorough response, the customer doesn't reply. Instead of letting the conversation fade into the abyss, your Conversation Reminder message gently nudges them 20 hours later, reigniting their interest and leading to a purchase. By extending the existing conversation, you avoid the expense and friction of initiating a brand new WhatsApp conversation.
These major upgrades complement ZEPIC's already impressive collection of WhatsApp marketing tools:
Ready to transform your WhatsApp marketing and support?
Try ZEPIC free for 14 days and see how our Team Inbox can revolutionize your WhatsApp customer engagement.